The role of grandparents in the life of grandchildren in Croatian family law is of particular importance, especially in the areas of personal relationships and maintenance obligations. Although parents are the primary bearers of rights and obligations towards the child, grandparents also have the right and obligation to participate in the life of their grandchildren when it is in the best interest of the child. In this blog, we will cover the main aspects of the rights and obligations of grandparents, as well as the rights of grandchildren towards grandparents in the context of personal relationships and maintenance.
The right of grandparents to contact their grandchildren
According to the Family Act of the Republic of Croatia, grandparents have the right to establish personal relationships with their grandchildren if it is considered useful for the well-being of the child. This contact can include various forms of meeting, spending time together, or staying with the grandparents, depending on the agreement with the parents or the court’s decision. In situations where parents prevent contact between grandparents and grandchildren, grandparents have the right to seek judicial protection to exercise their rights.
Personal relationships are an important aspect of a child’s emotional development, so when deciding on these rights, the court pays special attention to whether contact with grandparents will have a positive effect on the child. If it is assessed that grandparents are indeed an important support in the child’s life, the court may order appropriate measures to ensure contact. The law provides for the possibility that the establishment of personal relationships takes place under the supervision of a professional, especially if the relationship between parents and grandparents is strained or there is concern for the child’s well-being.
Grandchildren’s right to contact with grandparents
A child has the right to have relationships with grandparents, as well as with other close people who have a positive impact on his or her life and development. Family law puts the well-being of the child at the center of every decision-making, including when determining the right to personal relationships. If contact with grandparents is important for the emotional and social development of the child, the child has the right to such relationships, and the court will act in the interest of the child.
Grandparents’ maintenance obligation towards their grandchildren
According to the Croatian Family Act, the maintenance obligation primarily applies to parents, but under certain conditions it can also be transferred to grandparents. If the parents do not support the child, the grandparents in the parental line are obliged to support the grandchildren. In such cases, the grandparents have a legal obligation to provide financial support to the grandchild, which includes the basic needs for the child’s life, education and health.
Grandchildren’s obligation to grandparents
An adult grandchild is obliged to support a grandmother or grandfather if the grandmother or grandfather is not able to work, and they do not have sufficient means of subsistence or cannot obtain it from their property, and if they have supported or cared for the child for a long time.
Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren, which family law recognizes through the rights to personal relationships and the obligation to maintain themselves in certain situations. While parents are the primary bearers of care and responsibility for the child, grandparents can provide additional emotional support and financial assistance when needed. On the other hand, grandchildren have the right to have contact with their grandparents, and the law allows them to protect this right in cases where it is in their best interest. It is important to note that each situation is unique, and that in family law, decisions are always based on the specific circumstances of the case and the best interests of the child.
If you need a family law lawyer, please contact us at: info@odvjetnik-bistrovic.hr